MINI Velvet Matte Collection
Matt Lash in strengths 0.05, 0.07, 0.10 and bends C, CC and D with a natural bend structure for maximum comfort.
Velvet mat
Sale price CHF 9.52
Auf Lager - Bearbeitung 1-3 Tage +
Versand CH 1 - 6 Tage
-------------_EU 3 - 6 Tage
In 2 - 9 Tagen bei dir
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Inhalt & Inhaltsstoffe
Inhalt & Inhaltsstoffe
Die Nano-Partikel ermöglichen eine leichtere und präzisere Anwendung, wodurch das Wimpernstyling zum Kinderspiel wird. Die magnetische Wirkung sorgt für einen sicheren Halt, ohne dabei an Komfort zu verlieren.
Diese bahnbrechende Technologie ist die erste ihrer Art auf dem EU-Wimpernmarkt und setzt neue Maßstäbe für einfache Handhabung und maximale Langlebigkeit.
Erlebe den Luxus einer mühelosen und langanhaltenden Schönheit mit unseren Nano-Technologie-Wimpern. Deine Kundinnen verdienen das Beste – sei die Erste, die von dieser Innovation profitiert!
*** Unsere einzigartigen Wimpern bestehen aus feinsten Materialien höchster Qualität, die für ihre sanfte Berührung und natürlichen Glanz bekannt sind – ein Markenzeichen der koreanischen Wimpernindustrie. Die Integration von Nano-Partikeln in dieses hochwertige Material setzt neue Maßstäbe für den EU-Wimpernmarkt.***
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JASHARA LASHES ® MINI Velvet Matte Collection of the highest quality controlled according to EU standards.
Imparting a natural, everyday style, the high-quality MINI Velvet Matte lashes have a natural bending structure that is very soft to the touch and ensures the utmost comfort when worn. Ideal for clients who prefer a natural look, whether for classic or volume technique.

High wearing comfort
Incredibly light lashes!
These heavenly matte lashes contrast with the glossy Silk
Lashes and are the optimal connection between extensions and natural lashes.

Highest quality
All Jashara artificial eyelashes are made from Korean PBT. Of course, all Jashara eyelashes are vegan and cruelty free. The eyelash trays are hygienically packed & sealed.
Einfache Anbringung
Sie lösen sich so leicht vom Wimpernstreifen, sind einfach zu handhaben und unendlich vielseitig! Jashara verwendet die hochwertigsten künstlichen Nerzwimpern. Jede Reihe wird auf Qualität geprüft, damit du nur das Beste erhältst!

Do the lashes have special ingredients that could cause irritation?
No, our lashes are made from PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) or PET (polyethylene terephthalate). These fibers are well tolerated and have the advantage that they only absorb very little moisture, are colorfast and robust and look like real eyelashes. It can be used to create deep black or high-gloss drama lashes, but also natural-looking, semi-matt eyelash extensions.
How quickly can I get my product?
The delivery time from the order date is:
1-3 days for Switzerland
3-6 days for EU countries
Can I pick up the products on site?
Yes, daily from the Au SG warehouse, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Mon-Fri
The order must be placed in the online shop so that the items can be prepared for collection. MUST pre-register!
Do you also deliver to the EU?
Yes. We deliver throughout Europe
Happy customers
Why Jashara?

Jashara Lashes
Jashara is the inexpensive professional brand for lash stylists.
As a lash stylist with more than 20 certifications, I have tried numerous products. Unfortunately, I was dissatisfied with the quality of eyelash products and the corresponding price.
After no suitable products could be found on the market, we founded Jashara to make quality products available at fair prices.
In the meantime, we at Jashara have grown into a community. We celebrate successes together, support each other in exchange and with tips for our daily work.
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